
臺灣大學 高分子科學與工程學研究所


【獎學金】 🏆 [總獎金高達新台幣20萬] 💰歡迎報名參加3/5中華電信提案競賽說明會:2025 CHT-I International Business Innovation Proposal Competition!


This competition is held by NTU GMBA and CHTI. Welcome all NTU students to team up with at least one CoM student. The total cash voucher prize is up to NTD200,000. Sign up for the info session to learn more details.


Date: Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Time: 12:30 - 13:30

Venue: Room 405, Building 1, College of Management 管院一館405教室 (MAP)

*Lunch will be provided for registered participants! Walk-in attendees will not be provided with a meal.


This competition is a fantastic opportunity to challenge yourself, gain valuable experience, and expand your network. Register now—it takes just 30 seconds to sign up!

Sign up here: https://gmba.cloud.ntu.edu.tw/activity.survey/form/id/fx0o16


GMBA Website: https://gmba.ntu.edu.tw/en/board/detail/sn/19197


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the GMBA office at ntugmba@ntu.edu.tw.